Sunday, 22 June 2014

Google Analytics for WordPress

The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin allows you to track your blog easily and with lots of metadata.
There’s no doubt Google Analytics sets the standard when it comes to gathering information on your site’s visitors.

Analytics can show where they landed on your site, what they read, how long they stayed, what they were searching, the browser they were using, where they live, their age and even their interests.
Adding Google Analytics to your site is easy. So simple, in fact, that it takes less than a minute!
For today’s Weekend WordPress Project, I’ll show you how to add Google Analytics to WordPress with very little time and effort.

1. Login to your Google Analytics Account

This tutorial assumes you’ve already signed up for Google Analytics. If you haven’t already got one, it only takes a second to sign up, especially if you’ve already got an account with Google. Head to the Google Analytics site and create a new account.
After you’ve signed up, you’ll be given a piece of Javascript code to add to your site.

2. Add the Google Analytics Code to Your WordPress Theme 

Copy the tracking code. Go to your WordPress Admin and then Appearance > Editor.
Open your theme’s header.php file and directory underneath the < body > tag, paste the tracking code. Click “Update File”.

3. Check Analytics is Working On Your Site

Go back to your Google Analytics account. Click on “Admin” at the top of the page and under “Property” choose your site and then click “Tracking Info”.
If the Tracking Status is “Receiving Data,” then you’ve successfully added Google Analytics to your site.
You can now click on the “Reporting” tab at the top of the page to see your site’s analytics overview. It may take Google up to 12-24 hours to start providing you with site stats.

Or… Just Use a Plugin

If you don’t want to edit your theme files, Google Analytics + is the plugin you need.
It puts all the important statistics at your fingertips by adding beautiful charts and graphs to your dashboard and the post edit screen.
View statistics for individual posts, a site or even an entire Multisite network without having to leave your WordPress backend.
A new one-click Google login process allows easy access to your analytics. Simply add a new account ID in the network settings to start collecting data for your entire multisite network.

$2.95 .Com from GoDaddy!

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